This page features information on how to prepare, package, price and submit merchandise for our consignment area during our showcases. Our consignment area is an amazing way to reach more fans and make more money from our showcase events as many patrons rush to this section first- kind of like the merch area at a concert!

The basics- you bring stickers, prints, keychains, etc that you wish to sell, we sell em for you, and pay you out when the show is over! This area has been hugely helpful for artists over the years- it’s one of the things that sets us a part when it comes to art shows, and also responsible for THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue per showcase! Read on to learn more!


Merchandise should generally fit the theme of the show. If your merchandise doesn’t fit the theme of the show, it may be displayed in our studio during the show, be held on reserve until there is space to show it, or not be shown at all. Good items include prints, stickers, keychains, bracelets, bookmarks, t-shirts, hats, magnets, mugs, sticker packs etc.


We typically tell people to bring as much as you want and let us sort it out. We would rather have too much merchandise than not enough for sure. In terms of quantity per item, we usually say 5-10 is a good number. Bringing us a single item is discouraged- for example, bringing us 10 different print designs is not as good as bringing us 5 each of two different designs. We like to stack the items front facing making them easy for buyers to quickly shop. 

Prints Sell Best In Multiples

When we get single items, they usually end up in a flip bin and don’t sell nearly as well. We encourage you to choose (or even ask us!) your strongest designs and bring 5-10 of each!


Some items require packaging to be displayed while others do not. For single stickers, book marks, keychains, shirts and most merchandise, packaging is not required. In fact for single stickers, we discourage it! However, for prints we REQUIRE that EACH print is packaged in a plastic sleeve like the ones seen HERE. So if you bring us 20 prints, you would use 20 sleeves. Please make sure they fit well by choosing the right size and make sure to seal them for us.


Each item must be individually priced. You can use a sticker, label, stamp, or write directly on the item in sharpie etc. Again, if you bring us 20 prints, we need to see 20 price tags. Prices must be in WHOLE DOLLAR AMOUNTS. Please round up or down but do not price things like $2.99 or $3.50, instead price $3 or $4. Also please note that we cannot and will not offer deals like “buy two stickers get one free” or “2 prints for $15” type of deals. Because of our method of paying you, such sales won’t work out for you.

Stickers or handwriting work!

We honestly have no preference, so long as we can read your prices!


Our consignment rate for merchandise is 40%. This rate is very standard and reflects a more favorable deal for you than wholesale pricing. Wholesale pricing is typically half off retail. Merchandise you sell through us SHOULD be more expensive than if someone buys direct from you! If you sell a print on your website or merchandise booth for $10, it’s okay if it costs $12-$15 from us. It SHOULD NOT be double however. Here are some good price ranges based on our 10 year experience selling items at shows:

STICKERS: $2-$5 (exceptions can be made for larger stickers, but in general, stickers should be priced in this range)

PRINTS: 4x4 or 5x5 smaller prints $3-$7 // 5x7 or 4x6 postcards $5-$10 // 8x10 $10-$15 // 11x14 or 11x17 $15-$25 - of course pricing special print items like screen printed, block printed, matted etc higher is totally understandable and recommended

KEYCHAINS $3-$10 // BOOKMARKS $2-$7 // T-SHIRTS $15-$30 // HATS $20-$30

Again, these prices are just guides- pricing things higher or lower is totally up to you!


DISPLAY- if you have a container to display items we would love to use it so long as it is efficiently sized- meaning it doesn’t take up a lot more space than it is good for! Bringing us a small candy dish to display your keychains is a great idea!

BUSINESS CARDS- Slipping a business card in the back of your print or including Instagram information on your items is super smart and encouraged! Don’t bring us a stack of business cards to place by your items though as there is typically not enough room!

Make a new fan!

If the customer has purchased your item, make sure they know how to find you! Including your IG, a business card etc is a great way to earn a new PAYING follower!


So you’ve got your merch together and it’s all packaged and priced, the final step is to fill out your drop off form. This is what we’ll use to input your data and keep track of your sales. See the pictures below on how to properly fill out the merchandise section of the form! We do not need individual line items of all of your different designs- so long as it’s the same item type at the same price, one total row will do!

Below is a link to the drop off form.


We ask that Note that printing from your phone seems to make it print smaller for some reason. A handwritten version with all of the same details is totally cool! We also tend to have these forms printed for your use at drop off times.

If after reading through this guide you still have questions, please let me know! If something is unclear to you, it’s probably unclear to others and I can amend the guide to better explain.